Unit of Pressure

 Pressure is usually defined as the amount of force applied to a certain area. The pressure is a physical quantity mainly expressed as the formula p = F/A, where F and A are force perpendicular to the surface and area of the surface respectively. While we have already discussed everything about pressure in our earlier article, we will explore the topic of units of pressure.

Table of Contents

  • SI Unit of Pressure
  • CGS Unit of Pressure
  • Other Units of Pressure
  • Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

We will look at what is the unit of pressure by first learning about the SI system, which is the International System of Units, derived from the metric system.

  • The SI unit also elaborately known as the International System of Units has been mainly adopted from French Système international (d’unités).
  • This is a modern version of the metric system and is popularly used when measuring physical quantities.
  • This system is built upon seven base units which are, Metre, Kilogram, Ampere, Kelvin, Second, Candela and Mole.           

    What Is the SI Unit of Pressure?

    The SI unit of pressure is pascal (represented as Pa) which is equal to one newton per square metre (N/m2 or kg m-1s-2). Interestingly, this name was given in 1971. Before that pressure in SI was measured in newtons per square metre.

    Pascal Formula:

    Pascal Formula

    What Is the CGS Unit of Pressure?

    The CGS unit of pressure is barye (Ba), equal to 1 dyne·cm−2, or 0.1 Pa.

    You may also want to check out these topics given below!

    • Unit of Energy
    • Unit of Force
    • Unit Of Vibration
    • Unit Of Heat

    Other Units Of Pressure

    There are several other units of pressure such as pounds per square inch and bar, unit of atmospheric pressure is atm, centimetres of water, millimetres of mercury or inches of mercury (used as a unit of blood pressure), torr, MSW and FSW.

    Units Of Pressure

  • Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

    What is pressure?

    The pressure is generally started as the amount of force that is exerted on a certain area.

    What is the formula of pressure?

    Pressure is usually represented by the formula p = F/A. Here, ‘F’ is the applied force, and ‘A’ is the area of the region.

    What is the SI unit of pressure?

    Pascal is the SI unit of pressure.

    Define one pascal.

    One pascal is defined as 1 Newton force applied on an area of 1 m2.

    What is the CGS unit of pressure?

    The CGS unit of pressure is barye (Ba). It is equal to 0.1 Pa.

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